Research Funding Sponsors

A number of internal funding / award opportunities are available to Faculty of Health researchers including:

  • Pan-University competitions;
  • Faculty of Health based competitions, and;
  • YUFA grants-in-aid of research

Details regarding the above can be found HERE.
Most Canadian Health Research funding is provided through the Federal Government's Triagency body which consists of the following three agencies and their composite institutes and centers:

  • CIHR (Health Research)
  • NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research)
  • SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research)

To view a list of the main entities falling under the Triagency umbrella which may be of most interest to Health researchers, click HERE.
Funding opportunities from Private Entities and IndustryA number of unique, health-related R&D funding opportunities are offered by industry/corporate sponsors such as MaRS and Johnston & Johnston, to name a few. Click HERE to see key funding/awards competitions funded by private industry.
In Canada, foundations are typically one of three types, (1) public, (2) private or (3) charitable. All foundations are registered charities. Click HERE to some major international foundations of interest to health researchers due to granting opportunities offered.
Funding opportunities at Not-for-Profit OrganizationsNFPOs are similar to foundations in that both usually aim to financially support (a) specific cause(s) associated with the betterment of society in some aspect. The difference between NFPOs and foundations is how funding is sourced. Foundations derive funding from founder entities (i.e. a family, a corporation) whereas NFPOs derive funding from organizational revenues and/or surplus. Click HERE to see key international foundations of interest to health researchers due to a variety of granting opportunities they offer.